News and Site Updates
- May, 2018: SIGMOD proceedings and PODS proceedings are available online.
- May, 2018: SIGMOD detailed program and PODS detailed program have been posted.
- May, 2018: SIGMOD award talks and PODS award talks have been posted.
- April, 2018: We are glad to announce that Eric Brewer (Google and UC Berkeley) and Pedro Domingos (University of Washington) are the SIGMOD 2018 keynote speakers.
- April, 2018: We are glad to announce that Michael Benedikt (Oxford University) is the PODS 2018 keynote speaker.
- April, 2018: Accepted SIGMOD research papers have been posted.
- April, 2018: Accepted SIGMOD demo papers have been posted.
- April, 2018: Accepted SIGMOD tutorials have been posted.
- April, 2018: Accepted SIGMOD industrial papers have been posted.
- April, 2018: Accepted PODS research papers have been posted.
- April, 2018: PODS invited talks and Gems of PODS have been posted.
- April, 2018: The preliminary program is available.
- April, 2018: The conference banquet will be held at the Minute Maid Park.
- March, 2018: Registration is open. Please visit https://www.regonline.com/sigmodpods2018 to register.
- March, 2018: Accommodation information is available.
- February, 2018:
Information on how to get visas and invitation letters for attending the conference is available
- February, 2018: The programming context task has been announced.